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2017/03/25 21:32:51瀏覽297|回應0|推薦5

Last evening I had a feast with my erstwhile colleagues, of whom a lady was the employee hired in year 1999 at a test in which I was one of the chief examiners.  She told me that the company's starting salary now is just a little higher than that when she was hired 18 years ago.  (But you know, the company I was with is a so-called "enterprise of happiness".)  The fact testifies the average salary of entry level now has stagnated, or even regressed, for almost two decades in Taiwan, as frequently reported.

However, the price index must have been doubled after so many years.  How can our young people, and Taiwan as well, cope with the same living standard with so "little" money?  The simplest answer is to gnaw away the capital accumulated, either macroeconomically or microeconomically.  So no wonder there is a new phrase coined: "啃老族". 

FYI, in the feast all retirees agreed with one accord that someday our pension may be subsidized or paid by "Central Government". 

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