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Chairman Mao vs. Premier Sun
2013/12/12 01:17:28瀏覽327|回應5|推薦5

In these days, either side of the strait is celebrating the birthday of its most memorable statesman, posthumously: 120th for Chairman Mao Zedong of Mainland and 100th for Premier Sun Yun-xuan of Taiwan.

Unlike Sun in Taiwan, who has been highly respectable by all islanders and become a role model for all politicans to copy, Mao is still a controversial figure in Mainland.  Some people regard him as a tyrant, or even a monster, being responsible for the violence during his rule; but for the people who worship him, he is a god.  Report said Mao's fanatical fans had even urged that he should be sanctified, and his birthday, the 26th day of December, be declared a national holiday as "Mao Zedong Shengdanjie", because Mao is qualified to be a saint and, by taking the time difference between East and West into account, he is born at the same day as Jesus Christ. 

I admire Premier Sun, and I was proud of being a citizen of Republic of  China living in Taiwan those days when he was in charge.  Not any more.  As an outsider and onlooker, maybe I could give Mao a rather objective evaluation.  He and his followers really built a "new" China.  Internationally, China stands up and won't never be bullied into being treated unfairly any longer.  Domestically, Maoism has made those social disparities of traditional China wiped out thoroughly, and paved the way for a solid ground on which "reform and open" in 1978 could have implemented, either topdown or bottom-up.  Whether you like Mao or not, he is a stateman from every aspect.      



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摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目
Mao follower in other parts of the world ?
2013/12/13 08:03



pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2013/12/13 07:40



Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2013-12-13 22:06 回覆:
You can say it again!

摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目
The North Korean 升斗小民 should have thanked
2013/12/13 07:20

their three generation dictators (金日成, 金正日, 金正恩) for their miserable lifes.

What kind of logic is this ? 


Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2013-12-13 09:15 回覆:
I am sorry for North koreans for their miserable lives under the hereditary ruling of Kim's family. Well, Mao didn't bequeath his sons/daughters any power(his elder son was killed in Korean War), nor did any other China top leaders, including Deng. You know what Chiang Kai-shek did.

A Historic Figure
2013/12/13 06:36
It is unfair to Sun Yunxuan by comparing him with Mao Zedong.  They are not in the same league and certainly of different calibers.

When looking into a historic figure such as Mao, a microscope, especially a distorting and biased one, should not be employed.  I have no objection if someone want to use a telescope. :)

Your comments downstairs are excellent.  Some people somehow just like to let ideology cover up the fact and truth.  I guess that Chiang Kaisheh's anti-communism education has been so successful that has actually caused some people some sort of "brain damage".  Ha!
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2013-12-13 07:51 回覆:
The miserable islanders have been brainwashed twice in sixty-odd years: the anti-communist dogmatism during Chiang Era and the de-China education since Li, Chen and Ma took offices. The only thing in common throughout those years has been kiss-assing US and Jap all the time, dreaming someday Taiwan will the colony of Japan once more or the 51th state of USA(there is a 51 Club in Taiwan), rather than a pampered province of China.

摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目
My two cents worth ? !
2013/12/12 11:15
What kind of guy is Mao ?  His private MD has a close observation  http://www.eslite.com/product.aspx?pgid=1001110931413258

中國之有今天, 主因在 經國先生 + 老鄧。

Without them, China will be another North Korea. (Period, no if then else)
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2013-12-13 01:18 回覆:
Of course Mr. Chiang and Mr. Deng are great. Otherwise, Chiang wouldn't have picked that capable Mr. Sun Yun-xuan as his premier. Likewise, Mr. Deng made a right choice to "reform and open", but without a society on the ground of relative equality, as well as the fundamental infrastructures of military and heavy machinery that Mao left for him, would Deng have succeeded? Take India as an example. Indians are smart people, and they've never suffered from turmoil from within and abroad like China did in modern times; however, why they are economically lagged far behind Mainland China? That's mainly because India has been afflicted with the ingrained caste system and the backward infrastructures.