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2017/03/09 16:55:57瀏覽223|回應1|推薦5

Mr. Zhang Zhijun, chief of Taiwan Affair Office, said during dual sessions that "the ultimate Taidu is unification", and when that kind of unification takes place, it will definitely "cause havoc to Taiwan and its people".  What Zhang didn't say is under such circumstances the unification will be only completed by military force, or the so-called "Wutong".

Absolutely not will Cai administration and her DPP comrades dare to pronounce Taiwan Independence, anytime, anyhow.  So all can she do is to secure DPP and her own power by every possible means to crack down KMT with irrational and unjust opposition.  But even KMT will have disappeared in the island, so as the other opposition powers, still Cai dares not cross over that red line.  However, by the time a feeble and weak Taiwan, with or without America's involvement, will have no way to go but succumb to China's Mainland military or economic siege. 

Everybody knows de jure Taidu is the bottom line already set there, but CCP doesn't need to officially threat Taiwan by saying that.  What's now, Ms. Cai, do you really want to see China's Mainland announce the list of 50 war criminals just like she did in 1949?        

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2017/03/12 14:58
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2017-03-13 13:21 回覆:
李光耀早說過, 屆時台灣人民心理上只會更痛苦.