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2017/03/06 12:00:38瀏覽348|回應1|推薦5

Subject question is so asked in response to the suspicions that Taiwan's "frogs living in the bottom of the well" harbored when they heard a VP from Taiwan Hi-speed Rail signing a memorandum with Mainland counterpart. http://www.guancha.cn/kegongliliang/2017_03_04_397035_1.shtml.  LOL!  (FYI, I've never ridden on Taiwan High-Speed Rail.  Why not?  Fuck on that Jap product!) 


The other political joke made these days was Cai administration and DPP accused some local universities of signing agreement with their counterparts that they won't let Mainland students on the Taiwan exchange get involved in any discussions of Taidu, One China vs One Taiwan, and so on,  which means those studens must be isolated from those toxic thoughts.  Get real, DPP, they are Mainland students, how can you force them to discuss anything that are contradictory to One China Policy?  Ha!

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
只是 involving 嗎?
2017/03/06 17:37



Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2017-03-07 11:28 回覆:
Yeah, I also failed to see DPP's absurd logic behind its argument.