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2017/02/18 11:07:55瀏覽250|回應0|推薦2

In China's Mainland, the term 高校 is referred as colleges while in Japan it is as high schools.  In Taiwan high schools are called 高級中學 or simply 高中, but not as 高校. 

In these days I found a piece of commercial on TV , in which a business-sponored association is calling for young, enthusiastic friends from 高校 to participate a road running festival.  For crying out loud, are islanders still living in a Japanese colony?  Let me tell you islanders, no matter what you are trying to curry favor to Japan, like using Japanese terms or changing the image of Mazu as a Japanese cartoon girl, still Japan will only look at you with contempt.

P.S. Please also refer to a critical commentary of "吴云鹤:媚日,换来的是日本人的鄙视" at http://m.huanqiu.com/r/MV8wXzEwMTU0OTkwXzM3MV8xNDg3MzUxMjgw?tt_group_id=6388123226984153345


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