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Mazu as a Japanese cartoon character?
2017/02/13 13:04:05瀏覽259|回應0|推薦1

Lin Moniang, a mystic but real young lady of Tang Dynasty, has been evolved into a time-honored deity in China, Mazu, who is also greatly worshipped by the people of Taiwan.  I am not her fan or believer, but I fully respect people's belief because it has already become one of the last symbolic links with China's Mainland. 

The other day I watched a Taiwan talk show on TV and noticed that Mazu was portrayed in an activity somewhere (lantern festival?) as a Japanese-styled girl that is typically found in manga.  The move, no matter intentional or unintentional, is a blatant insult to and a stark severance against Chinese culture.  I don't understand what's on their mind of those collaborators'; are they going to inculcate in our children that Mazu is a Japanese?  To hell with you, islanders.  You will get the comeuppence, for you has tolled the death knell all by yourselves. 

P.S. Keep on carrying out De-China campaign.  Someday when Mainland is aware of that there are no real Chineses on the island, she will definitely teach the island a good lesson without any scruple.   

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