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Xi and Trump finally talked to each other
2017/02/12 01:45:27瀏覽361|回應0|推薦7

Before the end of the festival of Lunar Year of Rooster, President Xi and President Trump finally talked with each other over the phone.  Besides the ceremonial greetings of "Happy New Year" and "Congratulations", they inevitably talked about the "One China Policy" or "One China Principle" they'd been both concerned.  Report said under the pressure and reminding from Xi, Trump uttered that America will continue hewing to the long-standing "One China Policy". 

Wonky Cai may conceive an evil scheme to make a call to a US president-elect over the phone like never before, but all she'd tried may also be proved only a futile attempt, just as she will never have any chance to conceive a baby herself now! 


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