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2017/01/23 08:09:06瀏覽182|回應0|推薦5

I've talked about Shen Congwen(沈從文) and four sisters(and brother-in-laws) many times before.  Why am I so interested in him?  It's all because a movie "翠翠" that I watched at Hong Kong when I was only six in 1953, not long before I came to Taiwan with my families.  Actually I didn't know quite well about the tragic storyline of the movie then, but that famous theme song "Go, the hot sun.  Keep on climbing upward!" was easy for kids to sing along.  (When later we arrived at Taiwan, my father prohibited us from singing that song again, for he thought that "hot sun" would be mistaken for Chairman Mao or Chinese Communist, and the mistake must have been a big problem to us.) 

In fact, "翠翠" is the screen adaptation of Shen's renowned novel "邊城", the name of the female protagonist 翠翠 as well.  When I'd learned words in primary school, I started to read the novel, which was one of few books my mother brought with her all the way from Shanghai, via HK, to Taiwan.  "邊城" is a novel of estheticism, full of tragic beauty and purity, which has long been the attainment of the universal dream that human are trying to pursue.    

P.S. I would like to share with you another report of Mr. Shen: "他小学文凭,却成大学教授,入围诺贝尔,娶最美好的姑娘" at http://www.toutiao.com/a6377826807354802434/

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