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She isn't the "All Breast, No Brain" in kind.
2017/01/13 07:19:43瀏覽273|回應0|推薦6

In English, we use the idiom "all brawn, no brain" to describe a man of "四肢發達, 頭腦簡單".  Perhaps we could change its form a little into "all breast, no brain"(胸大無腦) to describe a buxom but silly bimbo.  But "遼寧艦穿越台灣海峽 台女星劉樂妍:兩岸是一家人 它會保護我們" at http://www.guancha.cn/local/2017_01_12_389063.shtml may alter our conventional thinking on that kind of the girls. 

I would like to use her words as the supplement to my yersterday's writing "The Carrier and The Bombers".

P.S. Well, I've never heard of her before. 

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