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The Carrier and The Bombers
2017/01/12 11:15:14瀏覽280|回應1|推薦6

Six H-6 bombers flew past Tsushima Strait into Sea of Japan, and Carrier Liaoning along with its fleet cruised past Taiwan Strait almost the same time as that Wonky Cai's visiting Central America via the U.S.  The manoeuvres astounded Japan, South Korea, and the regime of Taiwan because China's move signified the fact that she can go wherever she wants along her coastal waters.  The move also conveyed a strong message to U.S. that its "chain of chandelier" set to blockade China over sixty years ago now has existed in name only.  Needless to say, the message also served as an advance warning to those Taidu advocates. 

The carrier and the bombers have been deemed as strategic weapons of deterrent effect since Cold War.  Dear islanders, don't just regard Mainland's move as a bluff.

P.S.  Do you know how many unequal treaties China was forced to sign under the threats of guns on foreign battleships?  But now China won't do the same as those imperialists did; she just wants to recover her own lost land: Taiwan, nothing more.   

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2017/01/13 12:30
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2017-01-14 09:56 回覆:
Yes, they already responded it with a confused, frightened, and incoherrent manner.