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2017/01/07 12:15:48瀏覽177|回應1|推薦4

Cai said that Taiwan won't succumb to the pressure from China's Mainland, nor it will take same old approach of confronting against Mainland(when comes the tense pressure out of worsening cross-strait relationship.) Is that what Wonky Cai thinking?  

The statement seems a little contradictory itself.  At most, it is Cai's unilateral thought, and it sounds like a slushy version similar to Bumbler Ma's Principle of Three NOs: no unification, no independence, and no military confrontation.  Actually it's no nothing but latter-day 不戰/不和/不降, but will she 不走 and 不死?


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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2017/01/07 18:07

說民進黨沒有人才,全是莽夫,但是蔡英文本人的學歷不低,留英的博士 說話沒有一句像是個有邏輯思考的人說的話,不可思議。

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2017-01-08 09:51 回覆:
Because her supporters are all illogical and irrational voters.