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2017/01/04 07:19:02瀏覽175|回應1|推薦4

I felt like I am an ill-informed person when I read the story from a report for the first time at http://www.guancha.cn/local/2017_01_03_387423.shtml

It had been not unusual to find many people cooked up some elaborate stories to gain advantage or sympathy from others.  You know, I have three siblings, all brothers, so my mother was yearning for a girl even when our family was in reduced circumstances during early 50's in Hong Kong.  Later she told us that one day when she read a sad story of a miserable girl on newspapers, (I don't remember the details.) she even urged my father adopt that poor little girl.  In fact, the story turned out to be a delicate concoction.

But "灣生回家" reflected the prevalent mindset in Taiwan not only of the human weakness to sympathy, but also of the nostalgia towards Jap colonialists, which had become the "plitical correctness" now in the island.  Taidu advocates know it quite well that the more they praise anything related to Jap "governance", the farther people of Taiwan will sever their connection with China's Mainland.  It won't surprise me if DPP or even that Wonly Cai would say something to back that 灣生 impostor up. 

Therefore, blame it to Taidu because all absurdities and all grotesque distortion of the truth in Taiwan are out of such a "political correctness".    

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2017/01/04 18:27
It is really a shame revealing more about the true color of 台獨民進黨。
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2017-01-05 09:49 回覆:
Yes, it is. Please also see my previous writings on "KANO" and "海角七號", thanks.