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Janus-faced DPP
2016/11/16 13:53:07瀏覽341|回應1|推薦4

The hottest event in Taiwan these days was whether or not to proscribe radiation-contaminated food from Japan.  Hastily, DPP ordered its legislative members, which is overwhelming in numbers, to flash a green light within a week.  Upon receiving the order; hence, DPP in legislation immediately moved to hold 10 public hearings in different places of the island over the last weekend. Apparently, DPP did the job perfunctorily to cope with the outcries from the public and the pressure from KMT.

The act was an awkward but delicately designed political posturing.  In contrast with that of 2014 when DPP-orchestrated Sun Flower Movement against KMT administration's "black-box operation" on Service and Freight Pact, which had been over 20 public hearings held over six months, this time what DPP was doing was utterly a farce.  Well, all I can say is DPP will be allowed to commit any disgraceful crimes with impunity, for the benighted islanders under distorted "democracy" will take them for granted. 

P.S.  Report said why Cai's administration must let subject Japanese food in was trying to use it as a gift so as to pave the way for that Scrap Song to meet Japan's prime minister Abe in APEC, in which Japan is said to take over U.S. to bring TPP to fruition.  What a joke it is, TPP without U.S.?   In that case, I strongly suggest President Xi give no chance to let Scrap Song see him in private, not even an "accidental" encounter in corridors.

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2016/11/16 15:31

It is a triumph for Cai if Song is only in the APEC meeting no matter what.

Shame on Xi's administration!

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2016-11-16 16:20 回覆:
Yeah, he should get tough, or tougher, with Taidu.