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"怕". "乖, 不怕".
2016/10/03 11:07:11瀏覽183|回應1|推薦7

My granddaughter is a timidly shy girl.  Every time when a stanger approaches her, trying to be nice to her, she will run to me immediately and nestle against my leg firmly, then lowly uttering a quick word "怕", and I will comfort her by saying "乖, 不怕."  

But all of us have to face something we are afraid of throughout the days of our lives.  Most of the time we opt to avoid the difficulties rather than to face them, but following stories told are heros opt to brave them: "央视纪录片《大国工匠》第四季开播 致敬大国勇士" at http://www.guancha.cn/Project/2016_10_02_376084_3.shtml, and also refer to: "央视超震撼纪录片《超级工程Ⅱ》来袭 第一集《中国路》看燃了!"  at http://www.guancha.cn/Project/2016_10_02_376045_4.shtml.

Don't be afraid, China!     

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mate : 國會議員大戰奇觀
2016/10/09 21:10

晚 安 !