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2016/09/08 00:25:09瀏覽253|回應1|推薦7

Recently a minister without portfolio of DPP administration urged in his facebook that people of Taiwan, especially those netizens, be nice to the tourists from Mainland and not to say anything discriminatory against our "guests"; otherwise, the decline of tourism from Mainland will be hazardous to Taiwan's tour-related businesses.  And he also said if the adverse sentiments against Taiwan prevail among Mainladers, that will be a dangerous thing.  The statement was soon rectified by his peers in Executive Yuan.  What a farce of disaccord it is!

Everybody knows the root cause for Mainlanders not visiting Taiwan any more is that Cai refuses to recognize one-China policy.  I don't believe Taiwan boasts of more meccas than other places of the world to attract tourists from outside, and I also believe one of the main reasons for Mainlaners' yearning to visit Taiwan has been they regard people of Taiwan as their compatriots.  If they are treated as second-levelled "foreigners", why shouldn't they go somewhere else?   

Besides, being nice to tourists from everywhere is just the right and proper thing to do, so the only reason for people of Taiwan to welcome the unwelcoming guests from Mainland is to treat the guests as stupid punters, or even worse, as animals, like a flock of lambs waiting for being fleeced.  Dear Mainlanders, if I were you I would have never set my foot on Taiwan again unless someday, somehow both sides of the strait are reunified!      

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2016/09/08 22:19

Never?  Never say "never".   

The mainlanders surely will set their feet on Taiwan again, when Taiwan is reunified.

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2016-09-08 23:46 回覆:
You know, I didn't want to "sting" those Taidu supporters too hard at first place. Okay, now I've changed the phrase accordingly.