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Deja vu
2012/12/14 07:31:14瀏覽102|回應0|推薦2

Today afternoon a bout of malaise hit me again, made me feel
indisposed. Now I am fine.

I said "again" because the bout had been chronic. Once a particular
image, or a "deja vu", emerges from my mind, then I know it comes. All I need to do then is stop every everything on hands, loosen my tie, keep myself warm and, preferably, lie down and rest, and not before long I’ll be back to normal.

How would that happen? No one knows. There is only one doctor I’ve ever consulted with can describe the symptom only, but not the causes.  All I know is it would occur when I am in fatigue, or drinking too much within a short period of time, especially those irritants, such as coffee or strong tea.

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