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Sovereignty vs. Jurisdiction
2012/12/01 07:32:50瀏覽154|回應0|推薦2

The other day I learnt from the World Journal here that Mainland China has issued a new edition of passport for her citizens travelling abroad.  Printed in the inner pages of the new passport were China’s atlas and various scenic spots including two of Taiwan’s, denoting Taiwan is a part of China.  The move soon infuriated the people of Taiwan, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the legislators of KMT protested vehemently that the Mainland has never had the jurisdiction over Taiwan, how come she could claim those scenery are “theirs”?  Whereas the legislators of DPP reaffirmed that China and Taiwan are “independent to each other on the Strait”, and rebuked the Mainland forcing Taiwan to accept the so-called “One-China” policy, willy-nilly.


Either side of the Strait, China or Taiwan, PRC or ROC, solemnly enshrines in its Constitution, declaring its sovereignty over whole China, despite status quo.  Why not the Mainland introduces to all people of the world and welcomes them to visit her attractions?  Likewise, Taiwan has the right to print Great Wall and West Lake in her passport, just do it, why not?  No jurisdiction?  Come on, the concept of sovereignty and jurisdiction is different; otherwise, why did Taiwan, as well the Mainland, dispatch fishing boats to Diaoyu Tai over which Japan has had de facto jurisdiction?   You have known it better than I do, people, and stop cheating yourselves and the islanders.  “China and Taiwan are different countries on either side of the Strait?”  Ok, let that notion bring you cheers, if you feel content about it.  But I must remind you, throughout history, there has never been a regime being content to retain sovereignty over a part (such as Taiwan) of the country (here is whole China) could have survive longer than you thought.


ZhuGe Liang observed that “Han and insurgents will never coexist.”  Right, but more important was his next phrase: “Sovereignty will never be separable.”


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