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Salubrious Bay Area
2016/07/22 06:15:43瀏覽183|回應1|推薦8

I am in San Francisco now, again.  Except I can see my daughter and granddaughter in person (actually I can see them through internet whenever possible.), to me its just a change of place to go on living an ordinary life.  But the life is quite different in terms of weather.

You know, for energy saving and being allergic to air-conditioned environment, I have to endure lengthy, sultry, sweaty days of summer in Taiwan.  Here in Bay Area, breezy, sunny daytime and pleasantly cool evening make me feel really GOOD.  But I have to accommodate myself to jet lag first.  So I got to take a nap right now.

P.S.  Before leaving, I would like to share a " modern world joke" with you guys:

Todays world!

I am coming home to get married soon, so get out your check book.  Im
in love with a boy who is far away from me. As you know, I am in
Australia, and he lives in Scotland. We met on a dating website,
became friends on Facebook, had long chats on Whatsapp, He proposed to
me on Skype, and now weve had two months of relationship through
My beloved and favorite Dad, I need your blessing, good wishes, and a
really big wedding."
Lots of love and thanks,
Your favorite daughter,

My Dear Lilly,
Like Wow! Really? Cool!
Whatever..., suggest you two get married on Twitter, have fun on
Tango, buy your kids on Amazon, and pay for it all through Paypal. And
when you get fed up with this new husband, sell him on eBay.

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夢荷 *經絡不通,補什麼都沒用!
2016/07/22 12:37

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2016-07-22 13:17 回覆: