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2016/06/26 07:55:15瀏覽192|回應0|推薦5

Recently some report said several DPP peripheral organizations urged the new government should insist on continuing to object "service and freight pacts" talk with China's Mainland, and thus reminded DPP of not forgetting its original stance about the issue.

Are they pretending to themselves not to face the true situation that China's Mainland has ceased all official contacts with the new administration until it recognizes One China policy?   

If I were the spokesman of Taiwan Affairs, I would say to those idiots like this, "Go ahead, you're most welcome!"

P.S.  I would like to introduce you a long but interesting article to read it over, though I don't agree with all of its arguments: [ 转]知乎常凯申:未来20年,大陆应该如何更优雅地处理台湾问题 at https://city.udn.com/3011/5496427#ixzz4CVMOOIQY




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