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2015/03/08 04:21:12瀏覽349|回應1|推薦7 | |
Today I learned of some recent technology developments in China from SinaBlog; a peice of them is given as follows: 天朝(China)的小太阳,也就是核聚变(Nuclear Fusion)项目,去年取得突破,实现连续放电400秒,逐渐向商业应用稳步前进,这个小太阳项目,据说领先世界其他国家5年时间,一旦获得成功,理论上石油和煤将大幅退出能源市场,人类将拥有取之不尽的能源,火电厂也将逐渐退出历史舞台,是治理雾霾的一个高科技方向,柴静声竭力嘶的高喊要什么狗屁私有化治理雾霾,全国人民都知道这个移民老米(America)的人扯淡,我们天朝的工程师们,正在依赖科技和雾霾作斗争,大家真的没看见吗? But almost at same time I read from http://newsblog.chinatimes.com/duduong/arch that the author 王孟源 said the application derived from nuclear fusion is a "future technology forever", meaning to make a breakthrough of it has been proved pretty elusive. You know, I am ignorant about modern technology, so I cant tell right or wrong from either statement, though I hope the former one is true. Given Chinas vast science/engineering population, abundant capital as well, I have full confidence in her potentiality to achieving the cutting edge of all kinds of technology. More importantly, she has so strong will power and can-do spirit that no one can stop her from attaining the aim, except herself. |
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