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"蝙蝠為什麼這麽“毒”,自己卻沒事?| 圖圖是道"
2020/02/05 10:00:14瀏覽584|回應0|推薦9

I remember many years ago an humorous professor Xia(I have forgot his first name) once vividly explained on a TV interview that wild animal is absolutely not more nutritious than the meat from domesticated animals.  Nowadays human beings have not relied on hunting to feed themselves (at least not in Taiwan and China Mainland), why there are still people who want to taste "wild flavors", from which most likely is the origin that brings out fatal virus once in a while.  Well, one of the root causes may be the sense of vanity those people want to show off.  Damn it!

Attached below is a reportage which is excellent in both caricatures and literary composition to show you how does the virus from innocent bats transmit, through media, to human beings (You can also learn some new words from the report):   


PS Stop tasting "wild flavors" any more.  Please also see my previous translation 試譯: 讀到流淚-----穿山甲的母愛 at http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/7736375

Please also refer to following message:

中国网 2020-02-07 10:20:08



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