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Ten Non-military Approaches US Adopted to Destroy China
2015/01/24 13:13:21瀏覽99|回應1|推薦3

Retiredbum notes:  I read an article "


" at http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1323880257.  Here I made renderings on some excerpt out of it as follows.  Basically, US has been unable to beat China in traditional war, so it has to have recourse to other means, there are: cultural invasion, propaganda, moles, and so on. 

1.  Entice young Chineses away from their traditional value of ideological and cultural education, especially those of communist doctrine.  Let them switch their interest from hard-working and endurance to things of porn, sexapade, frivolity, and vanity. 

2.  Propagate Western or US values by every possible means, including via movies, books, TV, Raido and new religious belief.  Try to influence people's daily lives of clothings, food, dwelling, transpotation, and the form of recreation and education.   

3.  Try to switch youth's focus from government-related affairs to sports, salacious books and photos, entertainments, TV games, criminal movies, and religious superstition.   

4.  Cook up some issues constantly and let people discuss the issues openly, thus sow the seeds of dissonance into their subconscious mind, especially in the areas where ethinic minorites are living in.  Tear the group of different nations apart by sowing discord, fomenting former and recent hatred as to make them fight with one another.    

5.  Smear the images of their leaders by spreading unauthentic news.   

6.  Trumpet democracy as universal truth whenever and wherever we can.  Preach to them the virtue of democracy and human rights over and over again as to make them believe what we've said are nothing but truth, and enlarge our sphere of influence as possible as we can. 

7.  Encourage them squander their money and make them borrow money from us; hence, we are able to destroy their creditablity, force them to depreciate their currency, and thus bring inflation to them.  As long as they can't control their prices of commodities, they will collapse, naturally. 

8.  Tap the cutting edge of our economy and technology to give a shattering blow on thier industry, tangibly or intangibly.  As soon as their industry has been paralysed, then we can incite social unrest within themselves.  But by the time we should pretend to be kind enough to render them assistance; by contrast, their government would apparently become a weak one, and a weak government could do nothing but bring more political and social turmoil.   

9.  Exploit all resources we've had, even including every possible gesture and insinuation, to make their conventional value deteriorated and cultural norm and ethic codes shattered.  To batter their spirit of hard-working and endurance is the key to destroy their self-respect.

10.  Deliver weapons stealithily to all of their adversaries and all of their potential revals.   

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2015/01/24 14:13
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2015-01-25 04:46 回覆:
Yes, the article also says China can easily crack down such an evil scheme if she is willing to do so.