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Did Mr. Li Jiachen say this? Let's suppose so.
2014/12/06 05:12:01瀏覽136|回應2|推薦4

Retiredbum notes: 

Someone sent me this interline-circulated article, and I would like share it with you.  I also give my comments at the end of each paragraph thereof.


 Subject:  李嘉誠有話  (S & E)


無論中國共產黨犯過什麼錯誤,無論共產黨中出現了多少腐敗分子,我們作為中國的公民都不要和共產黨過不去。不管是什麼原因,在中國當代由共產黨執政是歷史的選擇。起碼在現在和相當一段時間內,無論是威望和執政能力,我國還沒有任何黨派和力量能夠取代共產黨,更何況,以習近平為首的新一屆中央班子讓我們看到了希望,也感受到了正能量。(From macro-historical point of view, without CCP, China might have been split into several parts again under US-Soviet confrontation after WWII, even Nationalist's China gained the "status" as one of Big-Four or Big-Five then.) 


一個政黨和一個人一樣,他可能犯錯誤,也可能改正錯誤,他可能生病,也可能恢復健康。(At least CCP already proclaimed she won't "折騰" any more.  By contrast, Taiwan and HK are enthusiastically about doing so.)


眼下離開了共產黨,中國必亂,中國一亂,遭殃的是我們老百姓。近期網絡上出現了許多偏激文章,目標不是聲討黨內的腐敗勢力,而是全盤否定共產黨,這些文章置建國以來尤其是改革開放以來中國的巨大成就而不顧,一味列數共產黨的種種錯誤,種種罪狀,條理分明,數據詳細,語言精到,且風格相近,極有煽動力與蠱惑力,不像是老百姓自發的不滿情緒發洩,好似有組織有預謀的一場攻勢,這不能不讓人懷疑這背後有什麼政治動和國際背景。(I believe there must be potical intrigue as well as international influence going on behind the scenes. All we have to do is to discern the fallacies clearly, to make ourselves more knowledgeable, and to think from differnt aspects more conscientiously.)


眾所周知,中國的崛起已引起一些國際勢力的惶恐,美國和日本等一些國家正挖空心思地對中國實行打壓和封堵,其實際目的並非是要推行什麼更為普世的先進理念,而完全是出於其國家利益的考量。他們出謀劃策,出力出錢培植反共敵對勢力,真實目的只有一個,那就是搞亂中國,搞散中國,讓中國的發展停滯或倒退,成為他們的附庸,以便於他們稱強稱霸。看看伊拉克,阿富汗,利比亞,敘利亞,和埃及吧,這都是美國的傑作。這些被美國搞亂的國家,人民得到的是什麼?包括他們其中的親美勢力,他們真的得到好處了麼? (To hell with that so-called "universal standard or value.  We just want to stick by the ones of Chinese characstics of our own.)


同胞 們,睜開眼,看清楚,不要輕易被人洗腦,不要隨便跟著激動,跟著起哄,被人利用了還自以為得意。我們是中國人,我們不能眼看著這個國家發生災難,我們如果有機會為國出力,我們應該盡力;如果我們沒有機會也沒有能力為國出力,我們起碼不添亂,是不是?  (Remember, there are absolutely "no intact eggs in a tumbledown nest".)


國家若亂了,我們都慘了。眼下我們起碼能做的,那就是不利於國家穩定的話不丶不傳,不利於國家穩定的事不做,也不好奇,不圍觀   (Don't act like those islanders with feeble mind and addled brain of Taiwan and HK, or like those so-called "democratic activists" abroad.) 




( 不分類不分類 )
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2014/12/07 07:50
I believe it is very reasonable to assume that they are the same person.
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-12-07 14:20 回覆:
I guess so, and I'll further check it myself.

2014/12/06 07:27

Please let me use the following article as a reminder and a supplement to the third paragraph of Li Jiacheng's message:


Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-12-06 09:21 回覆:
Thanks, and I read it again. BTW, is the author 周小平 a promising blogger who recently had an audience with President Xi?