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To Taiwan, It's a futile landslide victory for DPP, or for anybody else.
2014/11/30 05:47:59瀏覽209|回應2|推薦6

I am glad that I "fleed" to the States right before the so-called 9-in-1 mid-term election was held: a nearly hysterical carnival of populism, being full of all that mumbo-jumbo, but signifying nothing really meaningful to the future of the island.

This morning I woke up and found DPP won a landslide over KMT.  The victory might lead DPP to further win the "presidential" election in 2016, but no matter what it'd say or do, it would never change anything as to alter the inexorable trend that Taiwan and Mainland will eventually reunite under one China in any feasible method, absolutely without any kind of Taidu or Dutai.  Therefore, the islanders could just regard the outcome as a result of the pendulum of public opionon or infatuation shifted to DPP temporarily, and KMT lost the tug-of-war this time.  No big deal, because neither DPP nor KMT would bring you happiness. 

Don't accuse me of being so cynical.  Who'd told you guys to habor that toxic "ingredient of Taiwan consciousness".  Now you've made your decision and you have to take that self-induced consequeneces all by yourself.

Go on playing Taidu or Dutai, and go on dreaming your pipe dreams if that could bring you cheer.  See you later. 


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2014/11/30 07:28

This is my view of how a “國家”領導人 ends up:


而且,台灣的選民是被陳水扁的貪腐嚇壞了,對必須廉能兼俱的領導人只強調“廉” 而不管“能”。 別幫他找 excuses,來解釋、解脫他的無能。 忘了嗎? 杜魯門說的 『The buck stops here!』。 There is no excuse.

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-11-30 09:47 回覆:
I agreed! Ma is perhaps a good guy, but absolutely not an able and adequate leader for sure.

Pendulum Effect
2014/11/30 07:10

There won't be any pendulum effect in Taiwan's politics as Ma Yingjiu did not 撥亂反正 when he was given a mandate from the 2008 election.

It is not an exaggeration to say he has betrayed his constituents.  And he is bearing and has to bear the consequences.

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-11-30 09:40 回覆:
I didn't attribute such a result to pendulum effect; I just wanted the stupid islanders to regard it as one, no big deal. Because even the result were reversed, Taiwan will not get any better in the long run. Its fate has long been predestined: keep on going down economically until someday Mainland China becomes its only recourse, just like Ukraine vs. Russia today.

I agree with you on Ma. He could have given Taiwan a better bargaining power with Mainland if he were to do something to 撥亂反正. Now he is nothing but a mother's boy.