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"The Power of One"
2014/11/27 14:36:27瀏覽187|回應1|推薦5

Subject is the title of a recent article in TIME, and its subtilte is "Xi Jinping, China's strongest leader in years, aims to propel his nation to the top of the world order".

The article briefly described the biographies of Xi and how'd he ascented to the present position, but those accounts had been already known to the public.  And then the magazine told the readers how was Xi dealing with both domestic and international affairs with more assertive manner than his predecessors, and we knew his "China Dreams", too.  As expected, the magazine also advised Xi and his country should take more responsibilities as being a superpower and pursue the goals that are of "universal values". 

Well, my advice is Mainland China can be modest and open-minded towards what other people said; take them as cautionary tales, but don't be too serious.  You have your own ways, and any principles, methods that of Chinese charateristics are not just political slogans or dogmas; instead, they are verifiable systems that China has toiled for over a hundred and fifty years to find them out. 

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2014/11/27 15:18
Time is in no position to 下指導琪 toward China.  Nevertheless, that is what they like to do anyway, and it is stupid!
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-11-28 00:29 回覆:
Of course not. Pay little heed to those "friendly persuasion"!