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The Inconvenient Truth for America
2014/11/04 00:20:08瀏覽90|回應0|推薦5

Retiredbum notes:

A friend of mine emailed me the following article(of anonymous author and unknow provenance), and I would like to share it with you guys. 

It's a common sense that the value of a nation's currency must be, to some extent, equivalent to the value of its goods produced.  Otherwise, it will be bound to depreciate and thus cause inflation.  Fundamentally, the green back dollars now are worth nothing but wall papers, but why hasn't it collapsed yet?  Because US$ is still the most important reserved currency, though not the only one, for most countries of the world.  Secondly, US still maintains a seemingly invincible arm forces as a prop to prevent her from losing an economic warfare on her hegemony over the money.  Likewise, her endeavor is unsustainable.

Whereas, Mainland China has always been a self-sufficient country throughout long history.  More importantly, leading a frugal life is an ethical heritage which has long been ingrained in most of Chinese people.  As long as China can protect herself under any circumstances, US will be doomed to decline.  Why?  Simply because the resources in this planet are limited.   

The Political Economy of False
其一: Prosperity 中國製造,美國購買,此一相互依存模式。是假的(錯誤的),
所謂False Prosperity 是指:美國的購買能力是假的。美國的儲蓄無法支撐這樣的消費。因為中國的外匯又去買美國國債,讓美元不至於大幅貶值。所謂Unbalanced就是說,雙方這種依存模式,不會持久。Unsustainable !!
其二: Who depends on who 這種情況下,是誰依靠誰?其實是相互依靠。
Codependence!!  沒有美國市場需求的支撐,中國的製造與就業,無法維持。沒有中國的廉價商品,美國的購買力會大幅下降。很多人生活將陷入困境。(美國人的消費力已完全超過其實際的購買力。借錢來花的意思) 不過本書說了半天,就是講,這種
Unbalanced Codependence 的 Prosperity is not sustainable!! 這種關係不會持續太久!! 中國已經開始改變了,我們美國(Stephen Roach 的角度)還在像以往一樣的把國家經濟成長,寄望在以往的過度消費模式上。

習近平(2014-04-07 ) 還在歐洲與各國簽署各類貿易協定歐盟已是中國第一大市場。不是美國。
2. 建構內需。 第12- 5計畫:3個一億。由2014年開始,至2020年止新型鄉鎮城市化。 。將約1億人口由鄉村,移到城鎮。具體目標:城鎮常住人口由目前的36% 增45%( 約9%建構內需。配合鐵路建設來完成城市化。13億* 9%  = ~ 1億人口
1億現有城鎮人口生活優質化。1億中西部人口城市化。真的!! 看起來中國大陸經濟成長策略已經在開始轉變了!!建構內需市場,減低對外銷的依賴。美國呢?  一向以經濟放任主義(Laissez Faire Objectivism)當家的美國。願意嘞緊褲帶過日子嗎?  靠印鈔票就要過好日子的未來不多了!!

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