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2024/06/04 11:22:00瀏覽253|回應0|推薦10

Attached below is the namesake movie adapted from the immortal novel Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. The movie is with a conventional style, and you may feel it is a little slow to you, let alone its length, as long as three hours. But you may not know it had cost half a century for the star-crossed co-translators and the couple, 李丹、方于, to start writing till its final publication. Therefore, the time is worthwhile spending to watch this Mandarin-dubbed and Chinese-captioned movie at your leisure. 

悲惨世界1958.国语中字.BD1080p - 西瓜视频 (ixigua.com)   

By the way, I introduced you to another version adapted from the novel over ten years ago. The movie was transplanted from a Broadway show and played by the movie stars you may be familiar with.

悲慘世界(les Miserables) - kkuo0810的部落格 - udn部落格

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