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Jeremy Lin may have better performances with Lakers
2014/11/02 00:12:05瀏覽130|回應1|推薦2

This morning I watched a live televised NBA matchup between two LA teams: Clippers vs. Lakers.  This was the first time I watched Jeremy Lin playing with Lakers(I didnt watch the last two because I was reluctant to miss World Series), but Lakers lost three in a row since season began, despite that Lin played a not bad game.

From the close interaction between Lin and Lakers franchise star Kobe Bryant I could anticipate that Lin would have a better season with Lakers than that with Rockets, or even that with Knicks.  Why?  Because in Houston, Harden was too selfish to share the ball with others, especially with Lin; in New York, Anthony might be jealous of Lins performance, which would steal the limelight from him.  Well, Kobe is not young any more and not selfish as he used to be, and he has got everything he wanted, too: money, championships, MVPs, and so many other titles, so he may be glad to share the ball with his teammates, especially the play maker, Lin.  Still Lin has much to learn from top players.  See that Chris Paul of Clippers.  He is not physically stronger, taller or quicker than Lin, but hes got much better ambidextrous dribbling skill and marvelous feint, so he can easily break away opponents defence to make an assist or to score by himself.  As Ive said many times before, Lin should keep on honing his basketball skill, and now is the hour. 

In LA there are thousands of Chinese immigrants who may be the prop for Lin, and that will be his advantage.  But let me say again, please no "台裔" any more if you really love Lin. 

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2014/11/03 00:28

You can find "台裔球星" in front of “林書豪” in every news report released by 中央社,especially since Jeremy moved to L.A. 

I hope that it will not become Jeremy's 魔咒。

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-11-03 07:37 回覆:
"I hope that it will not become Jeremy's 魔咒。" I hope so, too.

Recently I read a ctitical commentary online that Taiwan is now having a social mindset on trying to form a brand new "國族". No politicians dare to correct this evil trend, not even Mr.Ma, because the last thing Ma wants to do in public is to claim he is a Chinese.