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試譯 劉向 唐雎說信陵君
2024/12/08 10:31:02瀏覽282|回應0|推薦13

Sir Xinling executed Jingbi, defeated the Qin army, rescued Han Dan, the capital of Zhao, and saved the kingdom. The king of Zhao paid his greeting to Xinling in person on the outskirts of Han Dan.


Tang Ju advised Sir Xinling, "Your servant observes: I have heard there is something we do not know and something we must know; there is something we should not forget and something we must forget." Xinling then asked him what he meant by that. Tang Ju replied, "If someone loathes me, I must know it; If I loathe someone, I must not let him know. If someone does a favor to me, I must not forget; if I do a favor to someone, then I must forget it at all. Now you killed Jingbi, rescued Han Dan, defeated the Qin army, saved the kingdom of Zhao, and the king of Zhao, that has been a great favor done to Zhao. Now, the king of Zhao will greet Your Highness in person. Your humble servant would like to mind you, in the hasty meeting, Your Highness should forget all those favors you did to Zhao." Xinling said, "I sincerely take your advice." 

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