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2023/11/21 11:18:20瀏覽204|回應0|推薦7

At last, that unpredicable and unreliable KP finally broke his promise of future collaboration and coliation between his party and KMT so as to take over DPP in the coming "presidential" election. He signed the agreement of cooperation with KMT a week ago, which was witnessed by Bumbler Ma, and now he has torn it into pieces. His words are not worth the paper it is written on!

How dared he do such an incredible thing, which is totally against the Four Codes of Ethics or 四維? (Dont tell me politics is unethical.) Well, I think the constituency of KP is from the younger generation, a new "beatnik" who would think not embracing much good notions such as keeping promises is a big deal; otherwise, that baldheaded Su, former "premier", would not dare mention ethics derisively at Legislation Yuan because those codes of ethics have faded away deep down from young guys in Taiwan. 

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