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You have your right, and we have ours, though both are unlawful.
2014/10/08 02:58:12瀏覽116|回應0|推薦4

The tumult in Hong Kong has extended to Kowloon, and finally some minor bloodshed incidents occurred between students and members of criminal underworld.  Reports and TV talk shows in Taiwan hinted that those guys of so-called "black society" were police or even PLA in disguise.  Please don't make a wild guess so ridiculous like that. 

Kowloon is actually ruled by members of black society, having each turf of their own, and police coexists with them and plays only an auxiliary role.  They are bouncers, protectors to small businesses which are the main economy of the peninsula.  Now here came the demonstration, which was not officially ratified, and severely disrupted the business of theirs, why didn't they take anti-attack to protect their own interests as well as their masters', even though their acts had been likewise unlawful? 

Please note, dear HKers, in any time and with no matter how many times you have your right to pursue democracy and strive to make your notion realized, but it has to be done by democratic means.  Otherwise, you'd better have guts and have recourse to revolution when you harbor total disrespect to that law.  Thank you.            

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