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試譯 柳宗元 蝜蝂傳
2023/05/04 13:43:15瀏覽659|回應0|推薦14


What is that legendary fuban?  It is a tiny insect that is capable of carrying things on its back. Whenever it is crawling, it will grab anything it encounters at once, then raise its head and carry the stuff on its back. It will keep on carrying regardless of the burden on its back that has already exhausted it. Because its back is so coarse, the things on its back wont fall down, but eventually the ultimate burden makes it tumble down and unable to get up any more. Sometimes people would pity it and get rid of something from its back. However, whenever it can crawl again, it will resume carrying extra stuff. Furthermore, it also likes to crawl upwards; finally, the burden reaches beyond what it can bear, and Fuban falls to pieces.


Nowadays, the people who are greedy for profit without an end would not let any money slip away as to add up their properties, and they would never feel tired of their follies, which eventually will become their burden to bear. Not least, they just worry that their accumulation of wealth is not enough. When those venal officials toppled over from their posts, they would be ousted and exiled, and the punishment would be tough for them. If they can regain the posts, they will not learn anything from their past of dishonor. All the thoughts in their mind are how to be promoted to a higher position to grab more money in more corrupt ways than before. Hence, those people are walking on thin ice, yet they do not pay attention to the jeopardy in front of them. Though they are human beings, relatively huge in shape, their intelligence is just as tiny as a fubans. So pathetic!   



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