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試譯 柳宗元 "黔之驢"
2020/04/13 12:17:31瀏覽681|回應1|推薦11


A busybody brought a donkey to Qianzhou where there have not had such ab animal before.  But he soon found he could not make any use of the donkey, so he let it be loose down at the foothill.  A tiger had never seen this kind of big creature, worshipping it as a godlike beast, peeping it behind groves.  Gradually the tiger approached it cautiously, but did not have any idea what it is. 

One day when the donkey made a sonorous neigh, the tiger was taken aback and then running away, aghast, thinking the donkey will bite it.  After several attempts, the tiger found that the donkey seemed owning no special skills.  When it got more accustomed to the sound of neigh, the tiger came nearer to the donkey, but yet to dare give a real try.

Later on the tiger came even closer to the donkey, gropping it and butting it.  The angry donkey could not do anything but kick the tiger in return, while the delighted tiger finally realized that the kick is the only expertise the donkey have had.  So to its hearts content, the tiger jumped onto the donkey, tore apart the throat, ate up the flesh, and swaggered away.       


Alas!  The donkey has a considerable stature and seems unfathomable, and also has sonorous voice and seems capable to the tiger.  Regardless of being a fierce beast but with highly suspicious mind, the tiger was not supposed to kill the donkey if it did not see through the only clumsy skill of that poor animal in the first place.  Now what a miserable outcome finally took place! 

PS This is the last piece of "三戒" that I venture to give it a rendering in English. 



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reaizuguo*😻 哪吒
2020/04/14 13:48


君不見,連毛偉人也以 “熟讀唐人封建論,莫從子厚返文王” 規勸過郭沫若! 😄😄

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2020-04-14 15:58 回覆:

這篇文章我在學校時候唸過。  毛偉人的評論精闢中肯,可與蘇軾的"宗元之論出,而諸子之論廢矣,雖聖人復起,不能易矣。" 前後呼應。
