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2023/04/04 15:19:31瀏覽918|回應1|推薦13

Two scandals were recently drawing peoples attention in China. Both protagoists are sports stars: the former Olympic table tennis champion in mens single, Zhang Jike (張繼科), and the present ace and the image of the Chinese womens basketball national team, Li Meng (李夢).

Zhang was involved in gambling debt, and he gave away the intimate photo between him and his girl friend, a movie star, as part of paying his debt. As for Li, she got herself involved with a married man and became his mistress. Though the man later divorced his wife and married Li, the whole thing was debunked because that man did not pay alimony to the divorced wife.

Those professional athletes may have lacked adequate education throughout their incessant training in pursuit of success. But they may also be lost in the fame when they get it, and that is part of human weakness. The only redemption keep those celebrities from descending is education, especially from family and schooling.

Self-discipline is essential for a successful athlete, whether he or she is on court or not.  


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reaizuguo*😻 忠言
2023/04/05 09:28

“繼科”的 漢語拼音是 jike 不是 gike。



Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2023-04-05 12:03 回覆:
Thanks!  Yes, Mao is right, but both Zhang and Li can hardly be called intellectuals.