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2014/10/05 04:13:12瀏覽619|回應0|推薦5

In my last writing I raised the examples of my personal experience to talk about the mindset of "高等華人" among some HKers.  Such a superior mindset partly derived from the rise of "買辦", or compradors, who were the original intermediaries between Chinese local governments and foreign businessmen, acting as language translators, trading go-betweens, and so on.  The did render positive contribution to cross-fertilization in the incipient stage for relatively secluded China with modern world before Opium War. 

As a series of humiliation imposed upon feeble China by "advanced" colonialists in late 19th century and early 20th's, some unworthy compradors gradually became a class of so-called  "高等華人", being spiritually  condescending towards their compatriots.  Undeniably, they might have been guilty of complictity in oppressing Chinese people with the colonialists , or might even been quislings during wars.  That's part of history, so let's forgive and forget. 

Before handover in 1997, Hong Kong had been the only channel for foreign countries to enter into then isolated, relatively lagged Mainland China for over thirty years.  Therefore, the island city had gained an uniquely advantageous status within China.  Since handover, under the auspices of Mainland, HK has until now enjoyed twofold over Taiwan, and fivefold over Mainland in per capita GDP.  Is it fair for a place without any basic industries but only service sectors to deserve such a prosperity?  HKers, if you are discontented with widening income gap, let me tell you that is a social and ecomical issue, having little to do with the "unconditional" universal suffrage that you're after.  Are you not satisfied with droves of "low-class" Mainlanders?  Then why don't you ask central government in Beijing to restrain them from visiting HK any more?  Don't be barking up the wrong tree, stupid.

Get rid of that despicable 買辦心態 because it's useless any longer.  For your information, you guys had better learn to speak Mandarin quick, for it already became the sole language used in business within Mainland.  No matter who you are, you have to speak Chinese language in dealing with Mainlanders, let alone you pseudo-foreigners.      


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