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Go for broke?
2014/10/03 00:12:24瀏覽142|回應1|推薦4

In these days a TV talk show invited not only usual "pundits" but also several guests from Hong kong: student, immigrant, businessman in discussing the turmoil recently occurred at now the restive island.  Much to my surprise, the anchorman boldly hinted those HK guys and their friends in HK that they should gamble on taking vehement means, any means, to confront the government, either of HK or of Mainland, because "it's now or never".  The guests from HK then responded that the protestors will definitely go for broke this time.

Don't do a clumsy thing like that, HKers.  Assertive President Xi is not that feeble lame duck, President Ma.  Solid support from 1,3 billion mainlanders dwarfs the severely split society of Taiwan.  Nobody wants to see any bloodshed happen again in Chinese soil except those notorious imperialists like UK and US(I can hardly believe there is no backhanded manipulation from UK or US on the incident.)  Unless extremely necessary, Mainland China and PLA won't take any regretful action against those protestors.  You should stop as soon as Mainland delivers a clear message: "Don't try me."

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2014/10/03 06:30
試探 - 我覺得習近平還是海峽兩岸,比較值得信賴的。
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-10-04 00:00 回覆:
Until now Xi Dada hasn't said a word about the incident. He knows it is just a tempest in a teapot.