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異哉, 高虹安事件
2022/12/18 16:54:57瀏覽757|回應0|推薦14

I really don’t know much about what has happened to Ms. Gao, the mayor elect of Hsin Chu City; all I know is before and after mid-term election, two typical green TV stations have continued attacking Gao in their political talk shows, like hell till now.  (Since I noticed such a phenomenon, I have switched the remote control to these two stations on 8PM every weekday to see if those TV "pundits", actually a gang of bouncers, were talking about Gao "incident".  Ha, they have never disappointed me.)

But why?  Why must DPP put Gao to death, with all their might?  The only plausible answer I could give to myself is DPP tries to do its best to cover the cesspit in which that blue-eyed boy and DPP had hidden for eight years.  Justice or Righteousness?  Don’t tell me those shits.

PS Last evening after Ms Gao was released on bail, some unidentified guy sneaked into the flat platform of Taipei Prosecution and hoisted a DPP flag on top of a national flag.  Well, that may be a telltale sign of the public reaction on Gao Incident.          

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