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2022/07/19 18:52:05瀏覽519|回應0|推薦12

Subsequent to enveloping all first places of six groups in International Mathematical Olympia (IMO) the other day, five brilliant and hardworking kids from China Mainland continued to dominate in physics (IPhO) yesterday, winning all top five, from the fifth place to the champion: 


More than these, at the same day all of four Chinese kids won all the champions in four different groups of chemistry (IChO): 


All my goodness!

PS I was not good at chemistry in my second year of high school; that was part of the reason that I opted for humanities, but I had to learn physics in senior year.  You know, most students of humanities cared less in that subject, and I was no exception.  So, all my physics knowledge remained in junior high level, or lower.  Ha!

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