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2024/08/12 07:06:58瀏覽157|回應0|推薦12

The scramble for the gold medal in 2024 Paris between China and the US ended today as the American womens basketball team edged France with only one point. Finally, China and the US tied with 40 gold medals apiece, but the US won more silver and bronze to make it to the top of the standing.

It was the first time in the Summer Olympics that two countries have equalized in gold medal count. BTW, because each time the national anthem of the gold-medal-winning country plays in the medal ceremony, and Chinas "The March of Volunteer Army" had played 42 times, including the two acquired by China Hong Kong, so, the number one gold medal winner should be China, rather than the US.

PS: Please also refer to a report by NBC at:

China tied the U.S. on Olympic golds — heres how (msn.com),

and my previous writing after 2008 Beijing at:

up to 51/100 from nothing: China’s Olympic Games in retrospect​ive - kkuo0810的部落格 - udn部落格

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