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2024/08/05 01:07:35瀏覽138|回應0|推薦12

Two top Chinese table tennis athletes, Chen Meng, and Sun Yingsha, enveloped the gold and silver medals of womens single in 2024 Paris. The fans of Mainland China should be happy about it all together. But the reaction was rather unpleasant, especially from those fans demonstrated on site.

Chen successfully beat Sun and won the gold medal two times in a row, but she could not win the hearts of most Chinese fans. The report said almost all the Chinese fans on-site rooted for Sun throughout the game, and they even booed Chen whenever she won a point. The report also said all the placards and banners held by the Chinese fans were rooting for Sun, with only one exception, which was by a non-Chinese fan. And some Chinese fans even wailed when Sun finally lost the game.

Is that absurd? Chen and Sun are the top table tennis players in the world, and they are the national pride of China, but why did they receive the treatment so differently? Sun is a young lady with a funny face and bright character, but Chen is a woman of beauty and maturity. I dare not say, maybe Chen is from a wealthy family, and people may harbor an unhealthy mind of hatred of the rich toward her. 

The ugly phenomenon reflects the exclusive and morbid mind of "Fan Circle." Fortunately, it is better to chase and spoil sports stars than to those show biz stars. 

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