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2022/06/24 21:34:19瀏覽465|回應1|推薦10

Recently my left hip joint played me up from time to time.  A friend of mine knew a chiropractor and urged me to see him, and I did this afternoon.  (When I got to his "clinic", the first thing being asked to do was to take off the mask on my face and wear a new one he prepared for his clients.  What a scrupulous protection it is.)

I told the chiroparctor that I hurt my spine three years ago when I fell off my bed during sleep, and I made a decision that I declined an operation.  He said I made a right decision, and he also said all I needed now is to "dislocate the adhesive bones".  Anyway, he used the chiropractic to do something on my back; that was all I knew.

He then advised me of lying flat on a golf ball near my left hip joint every evening for three minutes before getting to sleep.  I will surely try. 

Dear fellow seniors, take good care of your muscles and bones.    

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2022/06/26 13:34
原來是傷了髖關節?(續後文回應)  ,兄台保重!祝迅速康復!  
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2022-06-26 16:20 回覆:
沒有傷,只是有點不舒服, 活動一下也就沒事了. 多謝關心!