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2022/04/16 12:22:44瀏覽398|回應0|推薦9

This morning my wife and I took a "formal" COVID-19 test somewhere within the sphere of San Jose Airport.  The test is required by the airliner as a proof of health for entering Taiwan. 

The "testing center" is made of a couple of makeshift cabins in a deserted parking lot.  But we didn’t have to enter the cabins to receive the test; instead, we were told in the entrance to remain in the car while a seemingly non-professional woman approaching us, without any adequate protection except a mask.  She gave each of us a test kit.  She didn’t check our ID to make sure the names on the kit were ours.  She then told us to open the kit and took out the swab to brush in both nostrils with five seconds each, all by ourselves.  That it, nothing else.

It was kind of a lax attitude to health and safety that woman and "testing center" had performed.  Well, the good thing is the test fee 90 dollars for each person to get the result in 24 hours is much cheaper than the ones we took in Taiwan ten months ago. 


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