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2022/02/22 13:13:02瀏覽679|回應0|推薦9 | |
Ten days ago, I had running noses, itching throat, and then sporadic coughing, and my daughter told me that I might catch hay fever. She gave me some pills to take, and my wife made ginger soup for me. But till now I still coughed, so I suspected if I caught Omicron or something, especially when I read an article from an UDN co-blogger saying she had contracted the virus out of nowhere. Suddenly I thought why not taking a self-test with the kit of COVID antigen rapid test that Biden administration gave us earlier, free of charge. So yesterday afternoon I took a swab, a reagent, and a test card out of the kit and followed the instruction to give myself a test step by step. After fifteen minutes the result came out: Negative. PS The self-tester must brush the swab in BOTH of his or her nostrils, not just one nostril that I took in Taiwan last June, which cost me seven thousand TWDs and twenty-four hours to obtain the result, oh my goodness. BTW, the test kits are made in China.
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