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Gutter Oil---An Economy-related Problem
2014/09/17 06:46:57瀏覽196|回應1|推薦4

Previously I referred that aduterated baking stuff as "scraps oil", then I found all of foreign media directly referred it as "gutter oil".  Simply an appellation like that would make you vomit.

I remember for a long time there haven't had, at least seldom heard of, violations against food safety until recently.  Where have islanders' good qualities such as honesty gone?  I think we can't merely attribute the social degradation to personal avarice, opportunitic mindset, or bureautic negligence, for the incident has been embroiled so widely that almost all of the famous bakeries, restaurnats, and food manufacturers have got involved to some different extent.  Therefore, there must be something else.

The root cause is Taiwan has been entrapped in economic doldrums, and  average people are poorer and poorer everyday, being with less and less money they can spend.  So those manufacturers have to cut their cost even lower to attract customers so as to maintain profitability for themselves.  Under these circustances, they must have recourse to "innovation" by adopting cheaper material on their products.  That is why Taiwan is still able to maintain a relatively low inflation, and people still can lead a life of "小確幸"(the word I disdain so much; I hate it.) 

DDP and Sun Flowers, let me tell you the truth that real innovation lies on the cooperation with Mainland China.  Otherwise, please tell me, where the future of Taiwan is?               



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35 Years!
2014/09/18 06:24

"Gutter oil" is not something new.  Please refer to

    毒害35年!台灣毒油檔案總整理 | 檢警辦餿水油案  聯合新聞網

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-09-18 08:50 回覆:
Thanks for the information!