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2022/03/09 13:04:27瀏覽492|回應0|推薦11

A statistic said Russian Federation is the country that has received 5532 sanctions in total before and after its incursion into Ukraine in late February, the most in the world. 

People in Taiwan may harbor impractical thought that in case someday China Mainland should use non-peaceful means to take over Taiwan, "international" society shall impose similar sanctions against China as a collective reprisal.  Dear islanders, you are wrong.

International sanctions may be an effective measure towards the country which mainstay is energy export like Russia, but the same sanctions taken against China will be futile.  Why?  Simply because China Mainland is largest country of the world in manufacturing of across-the-board items, international trading, and consumer market.  She will avoid any sanctions and survive by the so-called internal circulation, but other countries just won’t.   


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