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93 Soldiers' Day
2014/09/05 04:30:08瀏覽114|回應1|推薦4

On the 3rd day of September 69 years ago the commander of Japanese "expedition" army surrendered himself to the commander-in-chief of Chinese army at the auditorium of Central Military Academy in Nanjing(the place where my father took his entrance examination to the academy amid Japanese bombing eight years earier).  Nationalist government then promulgated this V-J Day as Soldiers' Day in memory of over two millions solders who had sacrificed their lives for protecting their country during Anti-Japanese War. 

Taiwan's lukewarm attitude, or nearly inertia, towards this memorable day showed a striking contrast with Mainland's high-level celebrating occasion this year.  President Xi released strong messages on the occasion to warn Japan not to harbor any vain hope any more, and I think it's also a overt sign to tell Taiwan not to have wishful thinking that Japan or US is island's reliable patron.  Okay, islanders, let me tell you one more time.  The more you forgo your glories in connection with modern China such as the day of 93, the more you'll be embroiled yourselves in danger; the farther you alienate yourselves from Mainland, the nearer will the day of reckoning come.

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2014/09/05 12:32

Even that 9.3 has been 抗戰勝利紀念日 on the Mainland since 1951.  However, not until February 27 earlier this year, it was then declared by law.

By the way, “you imperil yourselves in danger”.
Is "in danger" here redundant?     ^..^ 

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-09-05 19:42 回覆:
Thank you for the information; I've got it.
Yes, "imperil" is not right usuage and thus makes "in danger" redundant here. I've changed it into "embroiled". Thanks again!