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2020/09/21 10:12:55瀏覽468|回應1|推薦10

I have got into a good habit ever since my childhood until now: not leave a single grain of rice in my bowl whenever I finish eating a meal.  But I guess not everyone would have the same habit like I do. 

Recently, President Xi called for a nationwide movement of stopping food waste.  The attached reportage tells you some countries deliberately insinuate that China is now sinking in the mire of food shortage, and also tells you at the same time how some countries temselves have also been trying hard to curb the profligate food waste.   


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Charles Lin
2020/09/22 16:18
My parents were farmers, I was told not to leave a single grain of rice in bowl too, but I did not follow strictly, I should reiterate this habbit.
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2020-09-22 16:49 回覆:
Yes, we should espouse such a good policy together, for it is a matter of humanity. FYI, I have always doggybacked all leftovers when I dine out.