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2020/03/19 13:08:43瀏覽636|回應1|推薦17

The clickstream of my blog shows that it has finally reached the milestone of one million, since I posted my first piece of writing seven years and four months ago.  Am I aloof from caring about my "performance"?  No I am not.  Certainly, I love to see my "clientele" become larger and larger everyday, just like other fellow bloggers; otherwise, what are our writings for?

But the motive of my writing might be a little different from yours.  Mostly I wanted to resume keeping my diary with English.  You know, in my senior year of high school, our English teacher, a gentleman with a bow on his neck everyday, urged us try to keep diary with English so as to improve our English proficiency.  I tried for a week or two but quitted in front of the pressure of coming joint examination for college entrance.

Decades later when I "nakely" retired from work, besides reading, I did not have particular hobbies like playing mahjong, golf, and so on, so I decided to keep my diary with English again lest I should becone a bum(That is why I pick "Retiredbum" as my pen name, LOL.).  But why must it be on blog in the first place?  Because I found blog is a good place for me to keep diary with English, for I was not familiar with Zhuyin any more, let alone all other tools applicable for typing Chinese.  Therefore, I decided to use English again, as a redemption to the unfinished job when I was young.  Besides, I have no intention to engage in a war of words with fellow bloggers who embrace different political creed from me.  My writings in English might minimize the unnessary fightings online with others.

Thank all of you for helping the clickstream of my blog reach the landmark of one million, thanks a lot to UDN, too.  Will it be a two million or even more?  I am not sure; the only thing I can assure you is I will continue  "keeping my diary" here as long as I can.  (I am 73 now.)

PS In fact, my English proficiency is far, far from satisfication.  I know it.  Tomorrow I will tell you the truth.     


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2020/03/19 13:11



Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2020-03-20 06:20 回覆:
Much obliged!