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2019/05/07 22:20:47瀏覽271|回應0|推薦7

Like I have always said, anyone who wants to engage in politics must embrace the sense of mission and the notion of sacrifice.  Otherwise, most likely he or she might be liable to become corrupt and rotten, particularly when his or her "lofty aims" cannot be accomplished, e.g. Taidu.

Everybody knows that Taiwan is absolutely no match against China Mainland when it comes to military confrontation across the strait if at last the peaceful solution is impossible to come by.  Yet why does DPP administration still want to purchase all of the junk weapons under "political correctness"?  Attached below is an indepth analysis about the hidden agenda behind the scene.  (I admire the ample military knowledge and the writing style of the author, that Fatty Xi.) 


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