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2019/01/30 12:48:14瀏覽331|回應1|推薦4

My granddaughter now has owned herself a four-wheeler bike and its accouterments of protective gears: helmet and pads for hand, elbow, and knee.

Tempus fregit!  Just in last March when my wife and I left States, she was a bigger toddler but had to sit in the trolley whenever we led her to library and parks.  But yesterday under our "protection", she rode on her bike to the same places all on her own.  Yet I worried about her safety, so I had to run slowly beside her all the way and keep on telling her to slow down. ( My goodness, I am 72 now and I can still jog a bit.  FYI, two smaller auxillary wheels installed beneath the back wheel are made for riders to gain balance.  But the two smaller wheels are not on the same level with the larger one, so sometimes learners may tumble down when they cannot get hold of the center of gravity.) 

Good girl, you are fortunate in having a scarcity-free and happy childhood.  Your mom and uncle had theirs, barely.  How about your gong gong and po po?  Never mind, you will never understand the hardship we were enduring when we were in your age.  But most importantly, all of us have one thing in common: bringing up in a warm and loving family.  May you have your own someday in the future.       

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
Training wheels
2019/01/31 18:23
They are called "training wheels".
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2019-02-01 05:19 回覆:
受教了, 感謝!